General Information

Art & Craft Nook is about quality products. Should your order – ordered directly from Art & Craft Nook – not meet your expectations, it can be returned with the good’s receipt within 3 days for a refund of the product’s purchase price only. We insist that you check the packaging and the goods upon delivery and report any damage to the shipping representative immediately. We may ask you to provide proof of the damage, with an image of the damage, as a condition for considering refund or replacement.

Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment. The refund will be processed to the same card that was used in the original sale transaction and we will use our best efforts to process all refunds within 60 days. In case the purchase was made via Cash on Delivery the refund will reflect in your Art and Craft Nook account and we will be happy to compensate the same amount in your next purchase.

In case a product was purchased during a promotion or using a discount structure/voucher/coupon, the refund amount will not exceed the original sale amount, irrespective of change in the price of the original product. The refund amount will reflect on your Art and Craft Nook account and can be used in your next purchase.

Please note that shipping and postage costs will not be reimbursed and all costs incurred in returning the goods will be charged to the customer. Art and Craft Nook will not bear any cost associated with shipping and handling in returning the product/s. The customer will receive a refund for the value of the product only, any other charge will be borne by the customer.

If your order is missing a specific component as listed in the invoice please notify us within 24 hours with proof, we will be glad to provide it. However, we can only service current products and products that have been discontinued less than one year. If your product has been discontinued more than one year, we will be unable to supply replacement parts.